Sunday, December 14, 2008

Monday Dec 15th-party and hampers!

Don't forget to bring your items needed for dinner (haystacks) as well as a fun spirit as we take our time to put together some special food hampers for people who really need a helping hand this Christmas.
Oh and don't forget your $3.00 gift as well!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Website Changes

I just finished making some changes to the website that you might find interesting. If you notice the menus at the top are a bit different.
Here is a list of the changes:
Our Club
- New button added: Fundraisers - This is a "Classified" style program where we will list things that our club is doing for ongoing fundraising.
- Removed button: Leaders Only has been moved to the Links page.
- New button added: Adventurer Song - There is sheetmusic.pdf and 4 versions of the tune in MP4 to listen to. Enjoy.
If you have any problems with these or any other feature on this site, please e-mail me.
kevin at

Sunday, November 9, 2008

November / December 2008 Updates

All families are encouraged to donate items for our up coming Harvest Sale, which will take place on November 16th from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The oranges and grapefruit will be arriving on either the 15th or 16th and we will need to have extra hands on deck to help unload the fruit. If you can to be there for unloading I would really appreciate the help. I will have to get back to you with the time.
*We do have extra fruit so if you know of anyone that would like fruit let us know*
Harvest Sale starts at 10 a.m., but Pathfinders and Adventures should be there for set up no later than 9 a.m. in Field Uniforms.
* Remember to bring a lunch with you, plus something to keep you entertained when it is slow, this would be an excellent time to get things marked off in your books and to finish off your knot boards and braiding honor. OR you can complete your bulletin boards these need to be in place before our induction service. *
Non Perishable Food Can drive will take place on November 17th need volunteers to deliver flyers and plastic bags prior to this date. This event will take place on a club night and we will do this during our club meeting time. We will be going around the College Heights area and we will advertise in the newspaper as well. So please meet at Malaspina and Damano @ 5:30 p.m. Dress for the season and have some type of reflective tape or vest with you. Volunteers needed for this event: we need drivers and individuals to walk with the children.
November 11th 2008 Remembrance Day Parade, meet at the Civic Center by the Four Season’s Pool doors. Time: 9 a.m. in full dress uniform (black pants, black socks, black shoes, white long sleeve shirt, scarf, and slider.) We walk rain or shine and once we get to City Hall jackets can be worn.
* Seating ends at 9 am so meet at Civic Plaza at 8:30 am *
November 21st is an important day for those that are becoming new citizens to our country and a special service is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. at Cedars Christian School. This will help complete part of your requirements in your class work. Those that do not go to Cedars, I know that this may not be possible for you to attend. Those that attend Cedars please speak to Mrs. Gaunt and sign up to be at the ceremony or a part of it.
November 24th: Club meeting to be held at the church fellowship room, we will be making apple pies. Please bring aprons and hair elastics for those that have long hair.
* Start taking order for this fundraiser. *
December 1st 2008: Pathfinders and Adventures to be in full dress uniform, you will be inspected prior to our induction service. And we will be serving refreshments afterwards. Guests are welcome so invited your friends and family. We will have a special guest joining use from the Rotary Club to take our picture with the cheque that they gave to the club for those wanting to go to Oshkosh.
December 6th: Sabbath evening Craft Night at the church school starting at 4:30 p.m. We will be making some ornaments to hand out at our Seniors Christmas Tea and something for everyone else sh… it’s a surprise. Bring popcorn and refreshments if you like, but what ever you do don’t come out to have any fun, that’s not aloud.
December 8th: Grandparents and Seniors Tea, 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. All Pathfinders and Adventures to be at the Club house at the regular club meeting time. Asking all families to help with the refreshment portion of this evening event, looking for muffins, cookies, squares or cake ect. You decide. Club to supply hot drinks and or juice.
December 15th: Meet at the church to make up Christmas Food Hampers and PARTY. More information to come on what is needed for this. I will get this to you as soon as possible.
Thanks for all your help and if we don’t have something down here, give me a call I am always available to answer your questions and concerns.

New setup for news launced!

We're going to try a new method of updating news and reminders.

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